Cross Country, Day 31

July 6, 2015 – For the first time in this trip I stayed in the same campsite for the second day!  but for two reasons, first because it was going to rain in Banff today so I decided to wait it out, also it was very nice in Jasper and weather was perfect so I would rather use the opportunity and enjoy it as much as I can.

Since there is no packing, just jump on the bike and go.

First place to see is Jasper SkyTram which was very close to campsite I’m staying and also without much hiking effort I can go on top of maintain and the weather is very clear and it would be great views from up there.

It’s not many days of the year that air is so clear that Mount Robson is visible from here, and I was lucky to be there in such day.IMG_0013 IMG_0019 IMG_0034 IMG_0049 IMG_0057

Apparently it doesn’t matter if you are already on top of a mountain, if there is a stone there you have to climb that too!IMG_0058IMG_0065 IMG_0075 IMG_0076

Stealth bird of the mountains, snow quail.IMG_0092

View of the campground I’m staying at.IMG_0095IMG_0098

Town of Jasper from up here!IMG_0100 IMG_0104 IMG_0106

After SkyTram I had lunch and then headed toward Mt. Edith Cavell.

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View of SkyTram station on top of mountain from town of Jasper

And back to the campsite…
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